Bailey & Friends Grant Report September 2024
With the $10,000 we received in October 2023 (see full news release below), we were able to purchase much needed medical equipment to modernize and expand our surgical capacity. The major items purchased were a new operating table, a new surgical light, and an anesthesia machine.

Finger Lakes SPCA, Dr. Karen Doucette with new operating table

Finger Lakes SPCA, Vet Tech with new surgical light

Finger Lakes SPCA, Dr. Karen Doucette and Vet Tech with new anesthesia machine
We are grateful to the Golisano Foundation and Bailey & Friends for this gift. This reporter had never seen Dr. Karen smiling after a day of surgery, and the first time she used the anesthesia machine she was positively beaming.
Michael Hopkins
Executive Director
In 2023 we give thanks for grants from
The Corning Foundation
The Gilstrap Foundation
The Mission Funds of St. Thomas’ Episcopal Church, Bath
The Episcopal Church Women of the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, Addison
The Susan Schwartz Charitable Trust
News Release October 27, 2023
Finger Lakes SPCA Awarded $10,000 from Golisano Foundation’s Bailey & Friends to Improve and Expand Medical Equipment
Bath, NY, October 27, 2023: The Finger Lakes SPCA, serving Steuben County and the surrounding region, is pleased to announce it has received a grant of $10,000 from the Golisano Foundation’s Bailey and Friends restricted fund to improve and expand our medical equipment. Bailey and Friends is dedicated to support animal welfare in Western New York and Southwest Florida with a focus on dogs and cats. It works with shelters, rescue groups, veterinary clinics, and other lifesaving programs to promote wellness, ensure safety, and keep pets and families together.
“We are grateful to Bailey and Friends for this generous grant,” says Michael Hopkins, Interim Executive Director of the FLSPCA, “which will help us provide the best possible surgical care for the animals in our care. This new and improved equipment will expand the number and types of surgeries we can keep in- house, saving us time and money, and relieving the animals from the trauma of travel.
As most people are aware, we are at an all-time high for the numbers of cats and dogs requiring our services. Many of the animals that come to us are in need of specialty medical care in addition to spay or neuter. We are privileged to have a veterinarian, Dr. Karen A Doucette, on staff, although she has been limited in the types and numbers of surgeries she can accomplish because of our antiquated equipment and our lack of an accessible anesthesia device. This new equipment will go a long way to improving the services we can offer our animals on-site and increase the quality of the care we are able to offer.
In awarding the grant, Erica Dayton, Golisano Foundation’s Executive Director, said, “We commend [the FLSPCA’s] efforts in providing high-quality, timely veterinarian care for the animals in your care as well as the surrounding shelters and rescues to increase an animal’s quality of life and decrease companion animal overpopulation.”
Next year the Finger Lakes SPCA will celebrate its 75th anniversary of “speaking for those who cannot speak for themselves.” In the last twenty years we have spayed or neutered thousands of cats through our Catnip and Trap, Neuter, Vaccinate, and Return (TNVR) programs. With this new equipment we hope to increase capacity and allow us to add small to medium-sized dogs to our in-house capabilities.
For more information about the Finger Lakes SPCA, go to our website: or visit our Facebook page:
Bailey and Friends is a trust component of the Golisano Foundation, one of the largest private foundations in the U.S. The Golisano Foundation was established in 1985 by Tom Golisano—entrepreneur, philanthropist, civic leader, and founder of Paychex, Inc. Learn more at
The Finger Lakes SPCA, Inc. is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization that has been in existence since 1949. It is funded primarily by private donations. The mission of the organization is to provide the shelter animals in our community with housing and care until they are adopted into a permanent home. The organization is dedicated to strengthening the human-animal bond through education concerning the humane treatment of all animals and responsible animal guardianship. The Finger Lakes SPCA, Inc. provides the following services to the community: Animal Adoption (cats, dogs & horses), Canine Training, Canine Agility & Fun Classes, Cruelty Investigation & Rescue, Humane Education, Lost Pet Assistance, Shelter, Spay/Neuter Assistance, Volunteer Program, Wellness Clinic & Youth Involvement.
“We speak for those who can’t speak for themselves.”
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